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Thursday, November 10, 2011

icandy Sugar Rush

Hey Hey!!!

Checkout my new website I have been developing for Ayala's Inc.
Get some candy while your there!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Back to Blogspot!!!

Hello World, I know you missed me :)

Shortly after graduation I landed a job with a company called Ayala's inc. Retail Concepts. I started as a character animator but things changed fast. After the company realized my diverse skill set I began not only animating but I also have found myself doing architectural & interior design, web design, graphic design, and most recently have been put in charge of the whole internet division for the company.

On top of that my home design business has really began to flourish. Needless to say I have been busy! But I am back now and happy to see the great updates Blogger has made while I was gone. Here is some updates on some work I have done in the past year...

Las Vegas band the Rusty Maples album cover & logo design.
This design has become the bands logo, album cover, and is even on their t-shirts!

The ACLU of Nevada "Not Fit for Human Consumption or Habitation: Nevada's Prisons in Crisis"
Design, Photography, and Layout of whole 60 page booklet!

Architectural & Interior Design for Tentation Retail Store
This store, original design by me, will be opening this month at McCarren International Airport!

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By donating you make it easier for me to post more often on more topics and give me the ability to spend more time answering your questions. If you enjoy reading or have found any of my posts valuable feel free to let me know.