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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

San Diego Bay Continued

Today is going to be my last day in Rapid Visualization and perhaps my last "hand's on" art class I will be attending at The Art Institute of Las Vegas before graduation. I really wanted to push myself for the final and this is what has come of my stress and strain. Oh, there's also some blood, sweat, and tears in it too... This is the second painting in a sequence of work based on some really nice vacation pictures I took while in San Diego. I'm still putting some finishing touches on it; however, some paintings get to a point where addition becomes subtraction and additional work in the same session can become counter productive. I find when I am not yet satisfied with my work but having trouble figuring out what is next I will take a walk, read a book, go to a concert, or in today's case go shooting. Some times a little inspiration can go a far way.


  1. hey man, i don't know what your photo ref looks like, but i think it could use a bit more midtone. you're either in the really high (75-100%) or the low (0-25%). also some of your edged are a little fuzzy, cut your edges smoother. one thing i could say with your rendering is that if you want to have a smoother blend, make sure you have a clean brush to "swipe" between colors, or you could go very bold and leave your strokes visible. if you go the bold route, you need to be very deliberate with your paint strokes. other then that, i think it's on its way. just more information in the values.

  2. Awesome dude, thanks for such a quick response. The reference is super blown out so I actually had to darken it up but it is still pretty vibrant. I need to keep practicing water, its tough stuff. I'll try to see what I can figure out with the mid-tones. I'll show you my reference photo on Thursday. I don't know how much more I can do on this tonight before its due tomorrow, but I'm going to keep working on this one and the previous in this sequence. Thanks Rick!


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