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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

3d Architectural Interior Visualization Renderings: High Resolution Brick Condo with Advanced Lighting Techniques

A few entries ago I posted some interior renders of a condo/ loft living room with white brick textured walls and hard wood floors featuring some advanced lighting techniques/ effects. I revisited the project this week to make some minor changes to the scene and to create some high resolution renderings to improve the overall image and detail quality. I know that unless specified by a client or instructor your natural instinct would be to just leave the default aspect ratio within the 3d software when creating renders. Don't do it! And if you do make sure you go back later and increase the resolution to at least HD 720 (if you have a day to do 1 render at a time bump it up to 4000). If you don't want to post renders that large on your site it is always better to at least create the image in a higher resolution and shrink it down as needed in Photoshop. You will be amazed at the quality difference of the images. This cuts down on blur, speckles, artifacts, and all those annoying little problems that occur when creating 3d renders. Enjoy!

Created with 3ds Max & Menal Ray. All Rights Reserved.

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