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Thursday, February 25, 2016

3d Product Visualization: Commercial Sized Solar Umbrella

I want to share some renderings from a 3d Product Visualization gig that I had a few months ago.

I don't want to get into the particulars of the functionality as the product is still in development; however, I am rather proud of the way these images turned out as there were some particularly complex shapes involved in the model (such as the organic base shape and fabric like umbrella top.)

Product Visualization is very fun but can be quite difficult as a lot of the time you are creating the first photo-realistic renditions of an object that has yet to be conceived in reality.

If you are interested in learning more about 3d Product Visualization feel free to leave comments or contact me via my website at for more information. If you have an invention or a product that you would like to develop or market checkout my friend's website at

Software Used: 3ds Max, V-Ray


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