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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kaplan Design Labs Website Goes Live!

Hello friends,

I would like to announce that my new website Kaplan Design Labs,, is now live. I am still adding portfolio content (which is endless) as well as editing content, but please check it out if you haven't already and tell your friends.

Here you can find all my blog posts, my company bio, my services, my portfolio, contact info, and links to all my social media. I will still be posting on this blog so don't worry but you can find all the same content at the main site as well. Thank you for reading and especially those of you who keep me in your RSS feeds. There will be an upcoming website launch party so those of you in Las Vegas, check back frequently for updates. Those of you who are not in Las Vegas, don't worry, I will be posting all the highlights on facebook, twitter, and of course! Let me know what you think of the site and thank you for continuing to read the blog!

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