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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Marker Sketches & New Lip Sync Piece

I did these marker sketches to get some ideas rolling on a potential project I might be working on. This was my first time trying to apply some realistic depth to a underwater scene. It is also my first time in a while just drawing fish which is fun.

The video clip is a new lip sync piece I started working on yesterday for my portfolio. My last one was kind of weak due to an overall lack of fundamental animation knowledge at the time I started it. Each month I make leaps and bounds in my abilities and I think this is a good representation of that. When it is all rendered and cleaned up I think its going to have some good potential in boosting my portfolios pizazz.


  1. Hey man looking much better already on the 3d anim. I think the last pose should come a little earlier it feels weird and late. And I think you should exaggerate and make it extra, extra clear on the second "Hear (angel trumpets &...)" and on the "YOU (are invit...)". Really exaggerate those words, time the last pose more with the end of "(in)vited" and I think it will help this piece a bit more. The movements right in the beginning are awkwardly paced as well. When he starts actually talking it feels way too sudden. Like he doesn't even have anybody's attention. But I like way you are going with the hand/arm motions now man. You're definitely onto something here.

  2. Thank you for a real critique. This is all valuable information, and it is apparent you have AN ATTENTION SPAN! ha. thanks man, I'm going to mess around with it and see what I can do. You are learning a lot about animation!


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